To apply for a CSF of Lebanon Dollars for Scholars scholarship, students must complete an online profile.  You can access the profile by clicking on Students and Parents on the tab above. Students will need to login and create an account.  



Mission Statement

The mission of this chapter is to expand access to higher education for resident Lebanon High School graduating students of the following New Hampshire communities; Lebanon, Plainfield and Grantham, by promoting the Dollars for Scholars® program, developing an operational structure, raising funds for student aid and distribution, and distributing awards on a fair and non-discriminatory basis. 


1. To assist and coordinate activities with the school district that will benefit and inform parents as well as students.

2. To encourage students to seek and apply for assistance beyond CSF of Lebanon Dollars for Scholars. 

3. To provide additional incentive and desire to complete post-secondary education by continuing to  provide funding assistance for students in their second, third and fourth years of post secondary education.

4. To work at developing innovative ways of raising funds to assist students with the ever increasing cost of post secondary education.